Official Server Rules

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Revision as of 22:14, 14 November 2012 by Eldarstorm (Talk | contribs)

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1. No Prop Spamming.
2. No Prop Blocking.
3. No Prop Climbing. (Especially into other people’s bases.)
4. No Spawn Killing.
5. Try to keep builds within the theme of the gamemode.
6. Access to forts, buildings, or bases have to be accessable. Can not be blocked using the phys gun. Use of no colide doors and other means using wire and so on are allowed. Example: An extra prop cannot be spawned or moved to block the door every time you enter the location. Some suggested tools: numpad, door, freezer, and no-collide



KOS: Known enemies, mutual war, kos is fine. Revenge killings are allowed up to 3 times, as long as none are spawn kills. Raiding: Rading is allowed (See below deffinition). During a raid each person on either side is allowed 1 death before they are out of the raid. Loosing your equiped weapon(s) can be the price for failure. Once dead, stay out of raiding zone, if you enter you can be killed again. Once a location or groups has been raided, there is a time limit untill its open for raiding by the same group: 15 mins for a failed raid, an hour or more for a successful raid.

War: War is generally mutual between two or more communities. War can only be declaired by Rank 3 members. Declairing war on a smaller community in order to crush it is not allowed if its not a mutual war. However, for example: If Community A raids Community B’s base, expect it to start a war. You can’t just raid and say “no, we don’t want war!” You’ve commited a game-affecting offense

Robbery: Holding a player(s) hostage, or waylaying them while coercing them for items or resources. This includes first a verbal warning. After the verbal warning (and sufficient response time), any provoked kills are allowed (such as you pulling a weapon).


Game Terminology/Acronyms-----

Random Deathmatch (RDM)
Random deathmatching is when a person randomly kills someone without reason or validation. If you are killed when a raid is happening and you were in the raid target it is not random deathmatch. For example, if someone Is shooting anyone they see because they feel like it, it Is RDM. Random Deathmatch Is against the rules and punishable by ban.

Kill On Sight (KOS) Killing a player every time you see them.

Attacking a settlement/house/camp/base, with a reasonable expectation of profit.

Mutual War
Both sides must agree to the war declaration. War can only be declared by someone of Rank 3. To end the war, both sides must agree to end the war [Cease fire, one side surrenders, peace treaty, etc...]